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Category: Coding

Rise of the specialist coder

Rise of the specialist coder

When I started my career in software development over two decades ago there was no such thing as a specialist  coder.

Programmers as we were called in those days were required to do a mix of jobs. Gather business requirements, design the solution, code it and get it implemented. This included the graphic design, the end user training, etc. This attitude of “do it all” has served me well in my career. I have seldom been unable to solve any technical obstacle myself.

Today it is very different. Most developers specialize in front-end, back-end (server side) or ux (suer experience). Graphic design has diversified just as much.

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Generating code is the smart way

Generating code is the smart way

I spend much of my day coding away furiously, mostly in Codeigniter (PHP, Javascript, jQuery & MySQL). The usual open source stuff.

field definitions

Most CRUD (create, read, update & delete) operations follows the same pattern of code.

There is a controller that drives the main functions, a list view (using the awesome datatables plugin) to show a table of data and a edit popup screen to create or modify the record. Then there is a delete and optional enable/disable function, together with maybe some additional tabs on the edit screen.

How hard can it be to combine all this into a code generator?

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